Section 357 of The Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) 2023

357. Breach of contract to attend on and supply wants of helpless person.— Whoever, being bound by a lawful contract to attend on or to supply the wants of any person who, by reason of youth, or of unsoundness of mind, or of a disease or bodily weakness, is helpless or incapable of providing for his own safety or of supplying his own wants, voluntarily omits so to do, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine which may extend to five thousand rupees, or with both.

What is The Punishment Under Section 357 BNS?

SectionPunishmentBy what Court triable
Section 357 BNSImprisonment for 3 months, or fine of 5,000 rupees, or both.Any Magistrate
Punishment Under Section BNS 357?

Is Section 357 BNS Bailable or Non-Bailable?

SectionBailable or Non-bailable
Section 357 BNSBailable
Is Section BNS 357 Bailable or Not?

Is Section 357 BNS Cognizable or Not?

SectionCognizable or Non-cognizable
Section 357 BNSNon-cognizable
Is Section BNS 357 Cognizable or Not?

Is BNS Section 357 Compoundable or Not?

SectionCompoundable or Not?
Section 357 BNSCompoundable
Is Section BNS 357 Compoundable or Not?

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Varun Jha is the founder and author of this website. As a passionate writer and researcher, I have a keen interest in the fields of law and technology. My goal is to create content that is informative, engaging and inspires the growth. Your trust is important to me and I want to create a reliable source where you can find valuable information and perspectives.

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